mercredi 2 novembre 2016

RPS plays Real Lives and writes a fascinating diary to document their experiences

If you’ve not yet played Real Lives, then the Rock Paper Shotgun team’s diary of their time with it will be all the encouragement you need to give it a go. Real Lives is essentially a life simulator, but rather than looking after a cutesy digital pet that you have full control over, you’re trying ...

source Game The News

mardi 25 octobre 2016

Floppy Candidate is The Washington Post’s new political game that’s got us in a flap

We always love seeing organisations that aren’t typically associated with games trying their hand at the medium, none more so than with Floppy Candidate from The Washington Post. You choose a political candidate, then begin flapping your way through the 2016 electoral calendar. With unlockable characters, tons of trivia, and a decidedly tongue-in-cheek humour, this ...

source Game The News

mardi 18 octobre 2016

#Hacked – Syria’s Electronic Armies is Al Jazeera’s disquieting look at the hard realities of cyberwarfare – GameTheNews Exclusive Interview

1. Can you give us a brief description of #Hacked? #Hacked – Syria’s Electronic Armies is a real-life investigation into Syria’s cyberwar presented in the form of a mobile web app. It’s a war where viruses and malware is proving just as dangerous as guns and bullets and the user is asked to gather the ...

source Game The News

mardi 11 octobre 2016

Ever wanted to build your own drug cartel? Narcos: Cartel Wars has you covered

We’ve talked about our own NarcoGuerra on these pages before, as well as a GameTheNews Twitch special in which we played and discussed this and other GTN games, but if you’re keen to explore the other side of the war on drugs, then Narcos: Cartel Wars might well be worth a look. The game is ...

source Game The News

jeudi 6 octobre 2016

Latest Dark Future: Blood Red States video explains how the game has been shaped by science

Over on the official Dark Future: Blood Red States blog there’s a smashing post about how real-world science has helped shape its fictional world of roving gangs and car combat. We’ve nabbed the accompanying video and embedded it below. For the full post visit the game’s website and then add Dark Future: Blood Red States ...

source Game The News

jeudi 29 septembre 2016

NarcoGuerra and Endgame:Syria on Auroch Digital’s Twitch channel – GameTheNews Special

Every Friday at 16:30 (UK time), Auroch Digital hosts an hour long stream, playing a variety of games from its archives.




A recent episode was a GameTheNews special, with Community Manager Jake Connor being joined by Tomas Rawlings to talk NarcoGuerra and Endgame:Syria, while touching on the genesis of GTN and chatting about all things “news game”. You can see the recorded stream in its entirety below;

For more videos from Game The News and Auroch Digital, Subscribe on YouTube and Follow on Twitch.

source Game The News

mardi 27 septembre 2016

Have you Gamed the News?

At GameTheNews, we are always on the lookout for projects that parallel, educate or comment on real-world events such politics, conflict, medicine, etc., and the effects of these topics on the people involved. We see newsgames as an important medium in news reporting, as a concept to raise awareness about difficult subjects, as well as in gaming, with the hope that more people will be inspired to create experiences that last.

The very nature of newsgames allows users to study and explore very serious subject matters in a way that has never really been possible before, and from a developer’s point-of-view, to provide a fresh and unique perspective on current events that traditional media simply cannot. When you can put yourself in the shoes of somebody affected by these events, when you have control over your actions and your choices matter, the  reality and severity of the situation is far more tangible, and will leave a far longer-lasting impression on the player.


If you have worked on a game based around current or real-world situations and news stories then please, get in touch! We’d like to hear about your experience of developing the game, your inspirations, how it affected you, whether it changed your opinions on the topic and ultimately, whether it was successful in its mission.

Have you come across a game or ‘playable experience’ that stayed with you and inspired thought or debate?  You can reach us on, @gamethenewsnet or on Facebook to recommend them.


source Game The News

mardi 20 septembre 2016

Donald Trump in ‘Supreme Ruler’ DLC

Supreme Ruler, developed by BattleGoat studios, has recently been updated with new DLC, called Trump Rising… and it’s as scary as it sounds. In this version, you play as President Donald Trump after winning the American Election. The goal is to “Make America Great Again” by building walls, deporting immigrants and bombing ISIS. There is also the possibility to send the world’s super powers spiralling into a new World War, naturally.

Trump Rising

BattleGoat studios did predict the Canadian Election winner correctly with Justin Trudeau, so who’s to say they’ll be wrong this time? If they are right, the consequences may be significantly more catastrophic.

Check out the Steam Page for more information.


Written by Larry Miller

source Game The News

mardi 6 septembre 2016

Using VR and brain training to help paraplegics walk

At Duke University there has been a study using VR and non-invasive brain-machine interfaces (BMIs). They have been using this technology to revolutionise the lives of people with chronic physical injuries such as paraplegia.


Credit: AASDAP/ Lente Viva Filmes

Credit: AASDAP/ Lente Viva Filmes

They studied 8 people, 7 of whom were quadriplegics, by attaching them to a brain-controlled exoskeleton while they were placed in a virtual environment. The results of this experiment showed that they were beginning to feel sensations from the parts of their body that didn’t function, such as cold, warmth and pain. As a result the patients’ condition was changed from full paralysis to partial and they began to have greater control of their bladder functions.

In summary; this shows a medical application for the gaming industry instead of just an entertainment-based one.

Full article on


Written by Larry Miller

source Game The News

jeudi 28 juillet 2016

Playing at Science – Tomas Rawlings

Earlier this month, we looked at the winning game for the Longitude Prize’s search for a game to raise awareness of antibiotic resistance. As a lead up to this, at the beginning of the year, our very own Dr Tomas Rawlings wrote an article for them on the subject of how video games and science can work together.

As Tom is the Design and Production Director of Auroch Digital, and the creator of its initiative GameTheNews, he is often asked to talk or write about his experiences with gaming being used to tackle news topics and how successful this can be.

newcompetition(Image from

In the article, Tom references the case where gamers, through playing the game Fold-It, deciphered the structure of the Mason-Pfizer Monkey virus. This was a problem that had been left unsolved for over 15 years, showing not only that games can be a successful way to increase awareness of a difficult topic, but also by using games to approach a problem from a different angle and different set of eyes, we can begin to solve problems that conventional methods have yet to crack.

Click here to read the full article.

source Game The News

jeudi 14 juillet 2016

Educational Apps and E-learning – When is it too Much?

There is lots of talk about the benefits of using gaming as a very effective platform for encouraging audiences, particularly young audiences, to engage with serious topics. As this has become more and more popular, the use of games and apps for education is at an all time high. However, we still don’t really know how much is too much for little people to be spending in front of a screen, or what damage that can do.


A recent article on discusses this at great length, with the main point being that the growth of tablets, apps for children and technology for under-3s has been so fast, research hasn’t had a hope in keeping up.

There are some suggestions that for children under the age of 3, too much screen time can lead to issues such as ADHD as they become used to fast, vibrant images which don’t reflect real life. Whilst the article touches on problems such as the addictiveness of rapidly triggering the reward pathway in their brains, it seems that the biggest concern amongst professionals is the lack of interaction with other people that children who are exposed to too much screen time will get.

To read the full article click here.

source Game The News

mercredi 6 juillet 2016

Superbugs – Can You Defend Humanity Against the Resistance?

The resistance to antibiotics is a big problem, a problem that the Longitude Prize feels is so big that in 2014 they launched a challenge, calling all innovators from around the world, to help them tackle it before 2019. The multi-million pound challenge brings the focus to creating a diagnostic test which reduce the prescription of antibiotics when they are not needed, and therefore slowing down the rate of resistance.

Part of this challenge was a task to create a game which would engage young people and raise their awareness of the issue. In response to this task, games studio, Preloaded, created the award winning game, Superbugs. A game in which the player must fend off the drug resistant bacteria in a colourful petri dish setting.


Experts estimate that by 2050, these drug resistant superbugs could kill up to 10 million people per year. So it is vital that awareness is raised and gaming is becoming an increasingly popular way to engage, particularly young audiences, in serious topics.


source Game The News

jeudi 23 juin 2016

The Perfect Game if EU Want Control Over the Referendum

CaptureThe build up to today has been relentless with both the leave and remain campaigns picking up speed and all the polls showing it will be close, very close.

Earlier in the week I tweeted that we’d missed a trick in creating a referendum game, turns out Buzzfeed got there first with their game, Brexit Ballot Bonanza!

Either you’re bored of hearing about it or trying to take your mind of the results so you’re brain doesn’t implode from the stress, this is the solution. A simple game of catch the ballot. Choose a side, leave or remain, and catch the falling ballots in the ballot box.

Highly addictive, this should keep you busy until 7am tomorrow morning! Go to Buzzfeed’s website to play.

source Game The News

jeudi 9 juin 2016

Trump’s Had a Heart Attack!

Unfortunately not in real life but in the latest update to Surgeon Simulator he has and you’re the surgeon operating on him! He needs a heart transplant and you decide whether he has a heart of gold or a heart of stone, or you could just do neither and slap him round the face with a steak while he dies on the table. What would you do?


In general news games are a niche market but really, it only takes a news story to become big enough and pretty much any games studio would be willing to add a special level, mode or character to their game to stay ‘current’. This is a prime (steak pun intended) example, along with Angry Birds releasing a special edition to support the charity, RED, and Europa Universalis offering free DLC for International Women’s Day.

source Game The News

vendredi 3 juin 2016

Apple and the Political Debate

With our personal experience of Apple’s policy on games and politics, Endgame:Syria, it’s nice to see that with enough push from the online community they will relax their stance. Although it does beg to wonder why this is still on a game by game basis and why Apple have taken this stance in the first place. Especially when it seems that certain games slip through the net.

Screenshot_2016-05-18-22-47-43-thumb-480x300-21188In May 2016, Wired featured an article around ‘Liyla & the Shadows of War’, a heartbreaking game created by Rasheed Abueideh, based on actual events during the ongoing war between Israel and Palestine. Apple originally rejected Rasheed’s submission to the App Store on the basis that it could not be categorised as game due to its political nature. After an online outcry, the decision was recently overturned, however this is not the end of the issue. With another game, ‘Israeli Heros’ (an Angry Birds style game where your goal is to fling cartoon missiles and “destroy our enemies”) being categorised as a game since Oct 2013, it does make you wonder what’s going on with the decision making process on these game, buy hey, at least they can admit when they’re wrong.

Click here for original Wired article.

source Game The News

jeudi 12 mai 2016

Government Propaganda and Gaming

Propaganda is commonplace in any war but it would be nice to think that we wouldn’t fall for believing the enemy is dropping poisoned sweets by fly over to poison our children any more. The fact is, we wouldn’t, as with everything propaganda has to move with the times to stay effective.


Recently, Reuters posted an interesting podcast where they talked with George Weidman about games being used as propaganda. Taking a look at games which the FBI and PETA have created in order to get their message across about extremism and animal cruelty. They also make some interesting points about a game with a very strong message, IS Defense, which puts the player in the position of defending Europe from Islamic State armies.

Click here to listen to the podcast.

source Game The News

jeudi 5 mai 2016

Can You Bring Democracy to Africa?

With Elections of the US America Election: The Card Game just about to go to print, we’ve been taking an interest in other games based on politics. Democracy 3: Africa is a turn-based political strategy game which puts the player in charge of some of the major countries on the African continent. As in real life it is no easy task trying to stay in power, improve the lives of the population, fixing each countries individual problems, all whilst increasing prosperity across the board.

Developed by Positech Games, they have adapted the original game to include the social and economic situations currently facing Africa which results in new challenges and opportunities.


source Game The News

mardi 26 avril 2016

Addictive Statistics

Guess the Correlation is the brainchild of PHd student Omar Wagih and is using players scores to support his research into bioinformatics. It is another perfect example of how it is possible to take a difficult subject matter and make it interesting, educational, fun or in this case all of the above and incredibly addictive to top it off.

Very simple in it’s mechanics and reels you in by giving you a false sense of security that you are getting the hang of it. This is through throwing in correlations at either end of spectrum, these are the ones you start to recognise quickly, it’s the ones in between that are maddening. The range from 0.5 to 0.90 sometimes seem like a complete stab in the dark and you’ll be so far off you’ll wonder if it’s messing with you.

We challenge you to play three rounds and not get addicted! Click here to play.

Guess The Corrlation

source Game The News

lundi 18 avril 2016

Big Pharma – Marketing & Malpractise

Big Pharma was released back in August 2015 and in a very ‘Theme Hospital’ style manner, puts the player in the shoes of a medical drugs tycoon. It starts of simply, you are a drugs manufacturer with a great new drug, now you need to get it out to public. Things very quickly take a turn, all of a sudden the game isn’t about the drug, it’s about money and with the new expansion, ‘Marketing & Malpractice’, you’ll be taking doctors out for dinner and hiking up your prices so fast it will make your head spin. But don’t worry, we’ve got a pill for that!






Click here to watch the trailer and keep an eye out on the 26th April for the release.

source Game The News

jeudi 28 janvier 2016

Elections of US America Election: The Card Game

Who doesn’t like a bit of political satire on a Sunday afternoon with the family? Exactly. That’s why we couldn’t resist the perfect opportunity to create a game where the jokes pretty much write themselves. We’ve teamed up with US political satire site, Wonkette, to give you; Elections of US America Elections: The Card Game!


Elections of US America Election: The Card Game is a snarky, dark, hilarious new card game based on the upcoming US elections.

The game features a blend of real-world modern political candidates, such as Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, and Bernie Sanders, as well as candidates from fantasy and history, like Cthulhu and Abraham Lincoln.


In the game, players campaign for votes by playing Candidate cards – each of which appeal to varying degrees to various voter archetypes – with the hope of amassing more votes than their opponent. Players also get to use powerful ‘Wonk Cards’ which change the flow of the game, steal votes, or otherwise mess with an adversary’s best-laid political plans. It’s a fun, social card game played together around the dinner table, it gives insights into the political process and allows you to stab your friends and family in the back in exchange for power – hurrah!

Now canvassing for your support, Elections of US America Election: The Card Game’s Kickstarter page is now live, and Backer Rewards include digital games from Auroch Digital’s back-catalogue, limited editions, T-shirts, game design opportunities, and more.


For further information about Elections of US America Election: The Card Game, visit the Kickstarter page


source Game The News