mardi 26 avril 2016

Addictive Statistics

Guess the Correlation is the brainchild of PHd student Omar Wagih and is using players scores to support his research into bioinformatics. It is another perfect example of how it is possible to take a difficult subject matter and make it interesting, educational, fun or in this case all of the above and incredibly addictive to top it off.

Very simple in it’s mechanics and reels you in by giving you a false sense of security that you are getting the hang of it. This is through throwing in correlations at either end of spectrum, these are the ones you start to recognise quickly, it’s the ones in between that are maddening. The range from 0.5 to 0.90 sometimes seem like a complete stab in the dark and you’ll be so far off you’ll wonder if it’s messing with you.

We challenge you to play three rounds and not get addicted! Click here to play.

Guess The Corrlation

source Game The News

lundi 18 avril 2016

Big Pharma – Marketing & Malpractise

Big Pharma was released back in August 2015 and in a very ‘Theme Hospital’ style manner, puts the player in the shoes of a medical drugs tycoon. It starts of simply, you are a drugs manufacturer with a great new drug, now you need to get it out to public. Things very quickly take a turn, all of a sudden the game isn’t about the drug, it’s about money and with the new expansion, ‘Marketing & Malpractice’, you’ll be taking doctors out for dinner and hiking up your prices so fast it will make your head spin. But don’t worry, we’ve got a pill for that!






Click here to watch the trailer and keep an eye out on the 26th April for the release.

source Game The News