At GameTheNews, we are always on the lookout for projects that parallel, educate or comment on real-world events such politics, conflict, medicine, etc., and the effects of these topics on the people involved. We see newsgames as an important medium in news reporting, as a concept to raise awareness about difficult subjects, as well as in gaming, with the hope that more people will be inspired to create experiences that last.
The very nature of newsgames allows users to study and explore very serious subject matters in a way that has never really been possible before, and from a developer’s point-of-view, to provide a fresh and unique perspective on current events that traditional media simply cannot. When you can put yourself in the shoes of somebody affected by these events, when you have control over your actions and your choices matter, the reality and severity of the situation is far more tangible, and will leave a far longer-lasting impression on the player.

If you have worked on a game based around current or real-world situations and news stories then please, get in touch! We’d like to hear about your experience of developing the game, your inspirations, how it affected you, whether it changed your opinions on the topic and ultimately, whether it was successful in its mission.
Have you come across a game or ‘playable experience’ that stayed with you and inspired thought or debate? You can reach us on, @gamethenewsnet or on Facebook to recommend them.
source Game The News