lundi 30 mars 2015


Yeah, I feel you there. I work two full-time jobs, so I have to choose between gaming and sleeping. Who needs sleep when you have vidya?

Yeah, I didn't think I could like the atmosphere more than Dark Souls, but it's just so captivating! It's like a mix of Victorian/Gothic Hellsing Lovecraftian Castlevania *** nightmare.

Every time I enter a new area I think the game surely must have hit it's peak by now, but NOPE! The next area always blows me away.

There are so many enemies in this game too! Every new area has disgusting new enemies, and they all have so many different attack patterns. Enemies also move around and patrol more, so you can't just expect them to stay put like in dark souls.

There are spells, but they are more like demonic rituals or summonings than "magic" I haven't seen a lot of the spells, but I really like what I've seen.

from Game Informer Magazine

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