samedi 18 avril 2015

Blog Post: Non-Bethesda Theories: Part 1

Hey, everyone, and welcome back to the bethesdablog. I know, I know, posting twice a day is kind of taboo, but I want to focus on more than just Bethesda bits and bobs, and expand into other genres and games. I thought I would begin with the "Revolutionary" game Destiny.

I really don't play Destiny, and I have no wish to, but my dad really, really loves it, so I've seen him play it for dozens upon dozens of hours. In watching him play and kill the same damned enemies over and over, I've wondered what the backstory to a lot of the enemies are. Just this morning, I was staring at the Grimoire, or the backstory book, on my desktop. I learned that the Cabal, the bulkiest and chubbiest alien race, are not fat at all. The reason why their suits are so huge is because they have to be in the pressurized environment of their homeworld, and that is also why when you headshot them, air and oil sprays out. My point is there is so much to be known, but it really is incredibly unfortunate that Bungie didn't PUT THE LORE IN THEIR GAME, you know, where players would actually give a trace of a damn about it.

Got a little sidetracked there, but please don't click away just yet. The interesting bit is imminent.

Remember how I said that I've seen this game played for around 150+ hours? Well, I've picked up some interesting enemy war cries, and I swear I've heard a dreg say the following in-game, with no text or acknowledgement: "The Darkness! Retreat, my brothers! Let us not be dragged into the deepest pits of hell!" Yeah, I know. I've heard this said at least 3-4 times, and I've formed a theory. My idea is as follows: The Guardians seem like copy and paste good guys, right? Well, I think otherwise. I think Guardians are sick, twisted beings that see themselves as the shiny, golden hero, blanketed by Light, but the truth being things of destruction, killing, looting, and pillaging without feeling, driven mad by the brutal massacre of their ancestors, driven by this to kill any and all other beings besides themselves, and even then, the most corrupt of all the Guardians will kill each other for sport, in something called The Crucible. I formed this idea from swirling thoughts in my head one day, when I wondered, "What if the Darkness is a force of law, and the Traveler is an orb that kills the people and things of the Universe, through the way we all think the Darkness works?" What if indeed, 2014 me, what if indeed.

Hope you enjoyed the first part of a non- Bethesda series that, if all goes well, will last for over 9,000 parts. And please, check out my Twitch account @bethesdabruh. Thanks so much for reading this far, and I will see you in the next post. Bye!

from Game Informer Magazine

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