dimanche 19 avril 2015

Blog Post: Taking Star Wars: Battlefront's Temperature – Our Readers Tell Us How Excited They Are(n't)

Following the reveal of Star Wars: Battlefront, we posted a reader discussion asking our readers if the game is a must-play title. These are the results of our inquiry.[Excerpt]

From the chart below, you can see that there were four general categories readers fell into regarding Battlefront's first showcase: Exuberant, cautiously optimistic, recklessly pessimistic, and finally there were others who actively hated the idea of a new Star Wars: Battlefront – or at least the version we learned about last week.

There were actually two other categories that were hard to place into any of the four above. Comments like "I'd play it if it was on Wii U," from Marbi Z and, "Is that dude wearing a hat made out off a koopa troopa?" from Ozz0912 offered absolutely no indication of their excitement one way or another. Many readers also pleaded the fifth and said they weren't prepared to make any kind of judgment about their interest until they saw gameplay.

Overall, our readers are very excited to play a new Star Wars: Battlefront from the creators of Battlefield, but many had reservations. The biggest callouts against the game included the removal of space battles – a big sticking point for many – and the limited player number. Readers also, surprisingly, said they were upset that the prequel trilogy was not represented. My surprise may just be because of my own personal preference for the original trilogy, however.

Readers also stated they are worried about the game's day one servers. TheDarkestLink wrote, "I want to believe... But I'm also quite wary. I'm not the only one who remembers DICE's past server problems. Battlefield 4 comes to mind. It's a must play for me if the servers work at launch."


Some like Yob were very disappointed in the game's first look writing, "It looks like a Battlefield game with Star Wars themes and laser guns instead of bullets. The jetpack usage in the video looks just like Titanfall or Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare. No space battles? Not excited even a little bit for this."

Most, as the chart above shows, were very excited. Reader jesusmbz just wrote, "Yes, yes, hell yes!!!" and Alex K. Porell wrote, "I'm really excited for it, and the fact that it has split-screen is awesome."

One interesting comment came from reader GeneralChurch who wrote they weren't even a Battlefront fan, but they were a Battlefield 2142 fan, and this will likely be a close substitute for that game.

You can check out the full reader discussion here. Star Wars Battlefront is due November 17 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC. You can also read Reiner's extensive preview of the game for more details.

from Game Informer Magazine http://ift.tt/1Hmw3A5

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